Saturday, November 24, 2012

The sun was shining...

and their small hearts were happy. Sometimes a kid just needs to be at a park, you know, the kind of park with bright red slides, things to climb, and places to explore. It excites their imaginations, and helps them to unload all that energy that's stored away in their small bodies. It makes them smile and makes the people around them smile. :)

I was so excited to go to the park with these little munchkins whom I love more than I can say. They make me laugh all the time and sometimes cry. They may not be perfect...but who of us is?
The lovely park!

The "big" slide was the first choice for the "big" girls...

 For some reason I felt this picture needed to be black and white/antiqueish looking :)

Meanwhile the "little" girl  tried out the "little" slide

                                            But it wasn't quite to her taste so we moved on to the wobbly bird

Which was quite exciting! But.....
Not as exciting as the swing!!

This toy seems by appearance to be a nice calm one. But...

It holds hidden secrets!

Look at those strong arms!

Ballet on the wobbly bird :)
Swinging is serious business folks...

Two little, matching cutie pies decided to join the fun
Searching for pecans :)

I just want to say, I love you three li'l girls more than I can even tell you! I'm so thankful to be getting to watch you all grow up. Whether it's the first time you say my name, the first step you take at my house, or  the first time you say you love me. When you tell me that full length story which comes to a complete conclusion, or the first time you tell a joke that I think is funny and I get to see you grin as you watch me laugh, the three of you are truly growing up, and watching it makes me smile! :)


  1. Those are cute pictures Abigial! :D

  2. I've been they're before! :)
    It lokos fun! :):):)

  3. woops.... I meant to say *looks* like yall had fun! :)
