Saturday, February 9, 2013

Writers block?

Who knows what it is, it's the feeling that there's something to say but no way to say it, The feeling that you want to write but who would want to read it? It's the feeling that you're out of time but nothing good was written. That you've lost your gift, or did you ever have it? It's the feeling that you've got too much inspiration to do anything with any of it. The feeling that you love something that's slipping away from you, the feeling that your brain and your fingers are missing a connection, the feeling that your mind is so clogged with unimportant thoughts that nothing good and true is able to slip through.

Yep, that's what this girl's feeling.


Anyways, moving on to Cheerful things, today has been SO nice! It's been one of those marvelous days where you're able to just sit around all day!! Saturdays without  plans are a rarity in my family, but for me today was one of the rare occasions! It has been so wonderful, I've basically been on the same couch ALL day! Friends, THAT NEVER HAPPENS! And to make things even better, it's a cloudy and gloomy day which, as everyone knows, are the BEST days for laying around :) Basically, all I've done today is watched a movie with my grandma, looked at lots of blogs, read a little bit, and suffered a severe case of writers block, as is evident from the paragraph above.^ However, despite having this dreadful writer's block all day--I've seriously started multiple stories and none of them are going anywhere!--it has still  been an excellent and restful day and I am very thankful for it!  :)))

Hope you all are having a restful Saturday as well!

Here's a random thought for the day:

A lighthouse is consistent through anything the ocean can do, the waters may rage mercilessly against the boats and beaches. But the beam of light burns brightly through the chaos and destruction of the water's mighty powers. Try as they might the waters cannot quench the light or cause it to be still. The ray of light continues to move along the waters, penetrating every dark corner of the sea, sending out a beacon of hope and comfort to any one who will see it. In the same way Christ is a light in this world, consistent through any blows the world may send His way. They may take His Holy Bible out of education, they may deny Him in the streets, they may use his name in jokes and spit upon it's Holy Power they may murder His own Children who He made in His own image. But no matter what they do, His light keeps shining to all who will take notice of it. They cannot sop Him from using His people to reach the darkest corners of this raging world, they cannot stop His light from moving over the earth, being a sign of hope and joy to all who see and understand it. Christ is like a lighthouse for weary sailors to see and to rejoice over. Knowing that they have found something which this world has no power to dim or to destroy, but which grows increasingly brighter with each new Sailor who experiences it's saving power.

*photo off the internet*

--- Abigail :)


  1. Hi Abigail! :)
    I know what you mean about writers block..I definitely have it...
    I spent most my saturday being lazy too! Except for a bit of cleaning I just drew all day long.

    I like reading your thought for the day. It makes me think of the song, "Let Your Lower Light Be Burning," which is my favorite hymn,

  2. Oh I believe I've always had writers block! =P
    I have ideas and can start stories but then I get stuck =(
    Hope you get over it soon!!

    That's a lovely thought! =)

  3. You should post some pictures of you doing ballet like before!!

    1. I really wish I could but I just don't have any other recent ones...I'll try to get some more though :)

  4. I really like that thought for the day. Did you write that?

  5. Anonymous3/18/2014

    This has been a very long writers block ...
